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Primary and Secondary School Students in Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province Visited the National Ballet of China

Since the earthquake occurred in Jishishan County, Linxia, the National Ballet of China immediately organized donations and materials for compatriots in the disaster area, and the whole company paid close attention to the development of the disaster situation and the safety of compatriots in the disaster area. On January 30th, we welcomed 24 teachers and students from Jishishan County, Linxia Prefecture, Gansu Province, to visit the National Ballet of China.

During the activity, teachers and students watched the ballet rehearsal and learned about the history and development status of National Ballet of China for more than 60 years.

Shen Lingling, Minister of Publicity Department of Linxia Prefecture, and students from Jishishan presented a banner to NBC.

Yang Xiong, Secretary of the Party Committee of NBC, presented the commemorative sculpture " The Red Detachment of Women " to Shen Lingling and Jishishan students.

Shen Lingling led the students from Jishishan to sing the song live.

Zhang Tiao, a member of the Art Education Department of NBC, delivered a ballet lecture.

Hope the teachers and students, together with NBC, unremittingly interpret and carry the NBC spirit of “United, Pragmatic, Independent, and Enterprising”, bravely face the difficulties in front of them and jointly rebuild their spiritual home.

The world is our stage. Chinese ballet is where we are!

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  • Postal code:100050
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Registration Number:19002203

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