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Ma Xueqiang
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:3437   日期:2018-12-27   字体:【

Graduated from Beijing Dancing Academy, Ma Xueqiang has achieved Master Degree of Arts  as well as the national secondary director. Now, he is the Vice President of The School of NBC. He is also the General Répétiteur in the full-length fairy tale ballet called The Nine-Colored Deer produced by the National Ballet of China.

In 2006, he joined the National Ballet of China as one the ballet dancers. There, he has danced  Raise the Red Lantern, The Red Detachment of Women, Swan Lake, The Peony Pavilion, The Nutcracker (Chinese Version), Romeo and Juliet, L'Arlesienne, Cannon in D Major, Sylvia, Onegin, Le Corsaire, Giselle, Raymonda, Pink Floyd Ballet, The Yellow River, Firebird, The Butterfly Lovers and Variations for Four, Don Quixote, Étude, The New Year's Sacrifice, Take Your Time and Don't Worry, Confucius 2012, The Little Mermaid, The Rite of Spring and many other repertoires of the Company.

He has participated in many ballet competitions as well as performances in the National Arts Troupes Festival and won many honors.



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