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Liu Xiaomian
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:5455   日期:2018-12-27   字体:【

Liu Xiaomian is the ballet teacher of National Ballet of China and has achieved the Master Degree of Ballet of Beijing Dance Academy as well as the secondary Art Director. She is also the examiner for the ballet dance level examination and senior teacher of Beijing Dance Academy. She used to work as ballet dancer in Guangzhou Ballet, where she had rehearsed and performed Swan Lake, Coppelia, Anna Karenina, etc. She has published several major academic papers like <Professor Qu Hao- One of the First Generation of Dance Educators of New China> and <Teaching Value and Curriculum Conception of the Pantomime Performance in Ballet>.

The main ballet works choreographed by Liu Xiaomian are Puppet Doll, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, The Long March of Children, etc. Collaborated with Yu Daxue and Chen Qing, she choreographed a full-length ballet named The Nine-Colored Deer. In May 2015, she created the dance piece from Act II of Swan Lake (The Student Edition), which won the Best Choreography Award in the 18th Beijing Students' Art Festival (Xicheng District). In June 2016, Liu Xiaomian was awarded the Special Contribution Award for the Care for the Next Generation in Xicheng District, Beijing.



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