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Guan Chongzheng
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2410   日期:2019-06-12   字体:【
Principal Dancer of National Ballet of China

Graduated from Beijing Dance Academy in 2017, Guan Chongzheng entered the National Ballet of China in the same year.

In October 2014, he won the first prize and the grand Prize in the 5th International Ballet Invitational Competition held by Beijing Dance Academy. In July 2015, he won the fourth place in the Ballet Invitational Competition for Youth in Japan, while in November of the same year, he won the third place in the Asian division of the Youth America Grand Prix. In 2020, he won the Senior Classical and Senior Contemporary (Male) Gold Medals at the 7th South African International Ballet Competition (online). In 2023, he won the Silver Medal in Senior Males Division at the 12th USA International Ballet Competition.

Since entering NBC, Guan has danced the leading roles in Swan Lake, La Sylphide, George Balanchine’s Serenade, Roland Petit’s Carmen, L' Arlesienne and La Chauve-Souris, Ben Stevenson’s Cinderella, Chinese New Year (The Nutcracker Chinese Version), and etc. He has also danced the Kalanvinka in The Light of Heart, Pas de Trois in Emeralds of George Balanchine’ s Jewels, Bridegroom in the Chapter II: The Virgin Bride of Yimeng- A Ballet in Three Chapters as well as L’ Arlesienne and The Yellow River.

In June 2017, he participated in the Variety Show on the Celebration of the 20th Anniversary of Hong Kong's Return to the Motherland. In June 2018, he performed with the Company in Kazakhstan and in November, he went to Macao as a guest artist. In January 2019, Guan visited Singapore with the Company and participated in the performance of Chinese New Year (Chinese version of The Nutcracker).



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