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Han Yu
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:4169   日期:2018-12-27   字体:【

National Second-Class Piano Player.

Piano Accompanist of the Dance School of NBC.

In 1996, Han joined the Company as a piano accompanist.

She has participated in the rehearsal of ballets like La Sylphide, The Fountain of Bakhchisarai, Onegin, Romeo and Juliet, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, La Bayadère and Giselle.

In 2017, Han began to work in the Dance School of NBC, and has served as piano accompanist for ballet basic training courses, folk dance courses, body rhyme courses, pas de deux courses, etc.

In 2019, Han Yu participated in the report performance of Chasing Dreams by the Dance School of NBC, and served as the piano accompanist for the ballet work Beethoven.



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