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National Ballet of China Are Taking Actions to Fight the Pandemic| “Practice and Competition”- Dance School of National Ballet of China Held Online Examination for the First Time
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1628   日期:2020-05-19   字体:【

On May 14th and 15th, 2020, the Dance School of National Ballet of China held the midterm examination of the basic ballet training in the second semester of the 2019-2020 academic year. According to the general requirements of the state and Beijing on epidemic prevention and control, the examination of the Dance School of National Ballet of China, which has not yet reopened, has adopted an unprecedented form of online video link. The students of the three grades have reported to the school leaders and teachers on their learning during the special period of epidemic prevention and control.

Trainee Class 2019 girls' class online examination

Trainee Class 2019 boys' class online examination

Trainee Class 2017 girls' class online examination

Trainee Class 2017 boys' class online examination

Trainee Class 2015 girls' class online examination

Trainee Class 2015 boys' class online examination

All members of National Ballet of China

pay respect to all the workers and heroes fighting against the pandemic

and pay homage to life!



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