Performing video of Swan Lake on February 5, 2021
The National Ballet of China delivered the second performance of ballet Swan Lake in National Centre for the Performing Arts on February 5.
In the performance of that night, Principal Dancer Xu Yan danced as the White Swan and the Black Swan, and Première Danseur Ma Xiaodong danced as the Prince. With all the efforts of dancers and National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra led by Concert Master Wang Xiaomao, conducted by Music Director Zhang Yi, the performance was ended in high artisrtic standard.
Benno by Zheng Yu
Two Female Friends by Wang Ye and Zhan Xinlu
Siegfried by Ma Xiaodong
Odette (White Swan) by Xu Yan
Four Little Swans by Sun Xiaoqian, Yin Yingyan, Xie Huan and Li Mengfei
Three Whooper Swans by Qiu Yunting, Sun Yimeng and Ning Long
Odile (Black Swan) by Xu Yan