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The Nine-Colored Deer | ”Fairy Tale Gift” of the School of National Ballet of China
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2132   日期:2021-06-06   字体:【

Performing video of The Nine-Colored Deer on June 5, 2021

On June 5, just after the June 1 International Children's Day, the School of National Ballet of China presented a "fairy tale gift" to friends of all ages-- the original fairy tale ballet The Nine-Colored Deer at Tianqiao Theater. The Nine-Colored Deer is the first ballet tailored for the students of the School of National Ballet of China, and is also the first original fairy tale ballet created by NBC for the young audiences. It was performed by the teachers and students of the School of National Ballet of China.

Ma Xueqiang, Head of Teaching Research Group of the School of NBC, introduced the repertoires to the audience at the beginning.

Kalaviuka (The Little Girl) by Huang Jueya

The Nine-Colored Deer by Yan Hualong

The Old Painter by Chen Xi

The Queen by Yan Qingyun

The King by Zhou Zhaohui

Snake Charmer by Wang Zhihao

The Mini-Snake by Xu Jiarui

Kalavinka by Yan Mengxuan



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