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National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra Concert | A Tribute of National Music to the Glorious Years
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1813   日期:2021-06-13   字体:【

At 19:30 on June 10, the National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra delivered a special concert "Glorious Years" in National Centre for the Performing Arts under the baton of Resident Conductor Liu Ju, giving the cordial and breathtaking Chinese music with four exquisite works to the audience.

The four exquisite national music works are: Saibei Dance composed by Huang Anlun, the concert suite for the large-scale original ballet produced by National Ballet of China in 2020 Like Flowers, which is composed by composer Wang Danhong, the pipa concerto Heroic Sisters on the Grassland, in which the pipa solo was performed by the principal pipa of China National Traditional Orchestra Dong Xiaolin, and the masterpiece of Chinese music predecessor Xin Huguang: the symphonic poem Gada Mairen.



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