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The Red Detachment of Women for CPC Founding Day | Dance on the Bank of Jialing River
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1722   日期:2021-07-05   字体:【

On July 4, National Ballet of China performed The Red Detachment of Women in Chongqing again with the new generation of performers, attracting nearly two thousand audiences.

Performing video of The Red Detachment of Women on July 4, 2021

Qionghua by Li Jie

Hong Changqing by Zhang Tiao

Company Commander by Liu Xuechen

Xiao'e by Sun Xiaoqian

Nan Batian by Li Ke

Leading girl by Fang Mengying

Lao Si by Zheng Yu

Comrade in Arms by Xu Yan



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