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Swan Lake | Beside the Chaobai River, NBC’s First Performance in Shunyi Grand Theatre Won Recognition
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2784   日期:2021-08-04   字体:【

After the performance, Director Feng Ying walked up to the stage and sent congratulation

to the entire cast and crew.

Performing video of Swan Lake on August 3, 2021 in Shunyi Grand Theatre

On August 3, the classic ballet Swan Lake of National Ballet of China had its first performance in Shunyi Grand Theatre in Beijing. The performance featured NBC Principal Dancer Fang Mengying as White Swan (Odette) and Black Swan (Odile), and Principal Dancer Sun Ruichen as Prince Siegfried.

Benno by Sun Pengxiang
Two Female Friends by Tong Jiayi and Hao Jiaxuan

Prince Siegfried by Sun Ruichen

White Swan (Odette) by Fang Mengying

Four Little Swans by Li Mengfei, Liu Yuchen, Zhang Zifu and Wang Yi

Three Whooper Swans by Tong Jiayi, Wang Yufei and Hao Jiaxuan

Black Swan (Odile) by Fang Mengying

Von Rothbart by Yang Zhi

Before the performance that night, Director Feng Ying received the title of "Honorary Artist of Shunyi Grand Theatre"

from China Arts and Entertainment Group Ltd., and left a handprint as a commemoration.

On August 4, the second performance of the classic ballet Swan Lake will be presented at Shunyi Grand Theatre. A new main cast - Zhao Xinyue and Guan Chongzheng will take part in this performance, and let's wish them a successful debut.



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