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Feel the Gratitude for the Party with Inspiration and Glory | Excellent Ballet of NBC for Returned Overseas Chinese and Their Family Members
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1865   日期:2021-09-26   字体:【

Performing video of Inspiration and Glory on September 25 in Beijing Tianqiao Theater

Wang Ruiqin, Vice Minister of the Mass Work Department of the Working Committee of the Central and State Organs of CPC Central Committee (United Front Work Department of CPC Central Committee), Vice Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions, and Executive Deputy Secretary General of the All-China Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, expressed her gratitude and concern to the entire cast and crew of NBC.

On September 25, 2021, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism's Mid-Autumn and National Day special performance for returned overseas Chinese and their family members "Feel the Gratitude for the Party with Inspiration and Glory" was held at the Tianqiao Theater. The artists of NBC sent their sincere holiday wishes to nearly 500 returned overseas Chinese and their family members with a majestic large original symphony ballet Inspiration and Glory.

Speech by Sun Qiuxia, Deputy Secretary and senior officer of Party committees of organs directly

under the Ministry of Culture and Tourism

Speech by Director Feng Ying

The performance was presented by dancers of NBC with Ma Xiaodong, Qiu Yunting, Xu Yan, Li Wentao, Zhang Xi, Sun Haifeng, etc. as the leading roles, and Symphony Orchestra of NBC under the baton of Resident Conductor Liu Ju with the lead of Concert Master Wang Xiaomao and piano solo performance by guest pianist Tan Xiaotang.

First Movement: The Sky Rescuer

Performed by Xu Yan, Ma Xiaodong, etc.

Second Movement: The Mountain Bearer

Performed by Sun Haifeng, Zhang Xi, Zhang Xuhao, etc.

Third Movement: The Sea Rider

Performed by Qiu Yunting, Li Wentao, etc.

Fourth Movement: The Sun Chaser

Performed by Ma Xiaodong, Xu Yan, Sun Haifeng, Qiu Yunting, Zhang Yicheng, etc.

Conductor: Liu Ju

Piano solo performance by Tan Xiaotang (guest)



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