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Special Evening for Fei Bo's 20 Years of Choreography | Appointment of the First Chief Choreographer of NBC
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1884   日期:2022-07-06   字体:【

Performing video of The Heart's Desire: Special Evening for Fei Bo's 20 Years of Choreography on July 5.

Director Feng Ying announced the special appointment of Fei Bo as the Chief Choreographer of

NBC on the stage and handed the appointment letter to Fei Bo.

Fei Bo

Mentor of Fei Bo, professor at Beijing Dance Academy, choreographer Wang Mei

On July 5, 2022, The Heart's Desire: Special Evening for Fei Bo's 20 Years of Choreography was delivered in Beijing Tianqiao Theater.

Cao Shuci presided over the performance.

For the first half of the performance, we presented the ballet Hamlet.

Hamlet by Ma Xiaodong

Ophelia by Zhan Xinlu

Queen Gertrude by Lu Na

King Claudius by Yan Hualong

In the second half, we performed some ballet highlight excerpts and several modern works.

Excerpts from original ballet The Light of Heart

Performed by Fang Mengying, She Zhaohuan, Sun Haifeng, etc.

Excerpts from Confucius in 2012

Performed by Ma Xiaodong, Yang Zhi, etc.

Excerpts from original ballet The Peony Pavilion

Performed by Wang Qimin and Sun Ruichen

Modern work Memory

Performed by Qiu Yunting, Li Wentao, etc.

Modern work Al'Heuer Qu'il Est

Performed by Chen Haibei and Chen Zhuming

Modern work Permanent Yesterday

Performed by Zhang Jian and Wu Sicong

Modern work The Voice From Afar

Performed by Sun Yimeng and Sun Haifeng

Symphony ballet Against the Wind

Performed by Ning Long, Guan Chongzheng, etc.

At the end of the performance, Fei Bo walked onto the stage and expressed his sincere gratitude

to every dancer, and gave a curtain call with the entire cast.

At the end of the curtain call, Fei Bo came to the audience and offered flowers and hugs to his mentor Wang Mei and the Director Feng Ying.

On July 6, the second performance of The Heart's Desire: The Heart's Desire: Special Evening for Fei Bo's 20 Years of Choreography will be presented in Tianqiao Theater!

Summer Galas- NBC Summer Performing Season

Upcoming Performances

July 5-6Beijing Tianqiao TheaterSpecial Evening for Fei Bo's 20 Years of Choreogprahy


(Please refer to the latest news for any changes in the performance schedule.)



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