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Swan Lake in Theatre of China National Opera House | “Great Art Depends on Great Artists!”
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2332   日期:2022-07-17   字体:【

Performing video of Swan Lake in the theatre of China National Opera House on July 16

After the performance, Liu Yunzhi, the renowned violinist, President of China National Opera House, 

gave a speech to the performers, and so did Director Feng Ying.

On July 16, National Ballet of China delivered the last performance of Swan Lake in the theatre of China National Opera House.

Two Female Friends by Hao Jiaxuan and Liu Xinwei

Benno by Sun Pengxiang

Queen Mother by Lu Na

Prince Siegfried by Chen Zhuming

White Swan (Odette) by Fang Mengying

Four Little Swans by Liu Yuchen, Zhang Zifu, Zhou Yue and Wang Yi

Three Whooper Swans by Tong Jiayi, Wang Yufei and Hao Jiaxuan

Black Swan (Odile) by Fang Mengying

Von Rothbart by Yang Zhi

By now, the first round of performances of National Ballet of China in the theatre of China National Opera House have concluded successfully.

Summer Galas - NBC Summer Performing Season

Upcoming Performances

August 1-3, Opera House of the National Center for the Performing Arts, The Red Detachment of Women

(Please refer to the latest news for any changes in the performance schedule.)



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