On April 14, the young artistic emissaries of National Ballet of China, led by Director Feng Ying, brought the classical ballet Swan Lake to the stage of Hainan for the first time. Zhao Xinyue, an excellent young dancer of NBC, and Guan Chongzheng, the principal dancer of NBC, starred as the leading roles in the performance that night.
Prince Siegfried by Guan Chongzheng
Benno by Yan Hualong
Two Female Friends by Liu Xinwei, Zhou Yue
White Swan (Odette) by Zhao Xinyue
Four Little Swans by Li Mengfei, Liu Yuchen, Zhang Zifu and Zhou Yue
Three Whooper Swans by Tong Jiayi, Wang Yufei and Hao Jiaxuan
Black Swan (Odile) by Zhao Xinyue
Von Rothbart by Wu Ziheng
On April 15, National Ballet of China will continue to stage the classic ballet Swan Lake in Hainan Opera and Dance Theater. The wonderful debut of a brand-new cast of NBC will also be presented there.