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The Nine-Colored Deer in Beijing Tianqiao Theater | “Your Wonderful Performance on the Stage is Definitely Impressive!”
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2322   日期:2023-06-04   字体:【

Feng Ying, the Director of the National Ballet of China and the President of the School of NBC 

encouraged the dancers after the first performance of The Nine-Colored Deer in Beijing Tianqiao Theater.

On June 2, the School of National Ballet of China staged the first performance of the original fairy tale ballet The Nine-Colored Deer in Beijing Tianqiao Theater.

Ma Xueqiang, the Vice President of the School of NBC, made an opening speech.

The Little Girl by Long Sitong (Student from Grade 2 of the School of NBC)

The Nine-Colored Deer by Zhang Xuhao (NBC's Yong Dancer)

Kalavinka by Huang Jueya (Student from Grade 4 of the School of NBC)

The Light Boy by Zhang Yicheng (Student from Grade 4 of the School of NBC)

The Old Painter by Guo Xiaotian(Teacher of the School of NBC)

The Queen by Bu Zitong (Student from Grade 6 of the School of NBC)

The King by Zhou Zhaohui (Teacher of the School of NBC)

Snake Charmer by Yang Rui (Student from Grade 4 of the School of NBC)

The Mini-Snake by Huang Yizhen (Student from Grade 2 of the School of NBC)

Zhang Xuhao, the excellent young dancer of the National Ballet of China, who played "The Nine-Colored Deer" for the first time.

Bu Zitong, student from Grade 6 of the School of NBC, who played the role of "the Queen" for the first time.

Yang Rui, student from Grade 4 of the School of NBC, who played the role of "Snake Charmer" for the first time.

Huang Yizhen, student from Grade 2 of the School of NBC, who played the role of "the Mini-Snake" for the first time.

The Nine-Colored Deer will be staged in Beijing Tianqiao Theater until June 4. Welcome to the theater to watch the wonderful performances.



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