On September 28 and 29, NBC's young artists, led by Deputy Director Zhu Yan, performed the world classic ballet Swan Lake at the Shaanxi Opera House. The performances also featured Lan Yino from the Second Deaf School of Xi'an, who played the role of the "Queen Mother's Servant".
Review of the performance on September 28
Prince Siegfried by Guan Chongzheng
Queen Mother by Yu Yang
Benno by Yan Hualong
Two Female Friends by Hao Jiaxuan and Liu Xinwei
White Swan (Odette) by Zhao Xinyue
Black Swan (Odile) by Zhao Xinyue
Von Rothbart by Wu Ziheng
Review of the performance on September 29
Benno by Yu Tao
Two Female Friends by Zhou Yue and Liu Xinwei
Prince Siegfried by Chang Sinuo
White Swan (Odette) by Li Siyi
Four Little Swans by Li Mengfei, Liu Yuchen, Zhang Zifu and Zhou Yue
Three Whooper Swans by Ning Long, Wang Yufei and Hao Jiaxuan
Black Swan (Odile) by Li Siyi
Yu Tao, a young dancer who played the role of "Benno" for the first time, said: "I would like to thank the leaders of the company for giving me such a precious opportunity to pursue a higher level of basic ballet skills and techniques.
Two of NBC's treasures - the Chinese classic The Red Detachment of Women (Oct. 2-3) and the world classic Swan Lake (Oct. 5-7) - will be staged at Shanghai Oriental Art Center.