After NBC’s three successfully performances of The Little Mermaid at Beijing Performing Arts Centre, Director Feng Ying took to the stage to express her encouragement to the dancers.
On May 2nd and 3rd, NBC completed all three performances of the ballet The Little Mermaid at Beijing Performing Arts Centre, guiding the audience go into the sea, the world and the starry sky with “The Little Mermaid”, feeling the unforgettable love and the mental journey in her heart.
Review of the performance on May 2
The Poet by Wang Jiyu
The Little Mermaid by Wang Qimin
Edvard/ The Prince by Ma Xiaodong
Henriette/ The Princess by Fang Mengying
Sea Witch by Chen Zhuming
Review of the performance on May 3
The Little Mermaid by Zhan Xinlu
The Poet by Wang Jiyu
Edvard/ The Prince by Li Wentao
Henriette/ The Princess by Fang Mengying
Sea Witch by Wu Sicong
The dancers of NBC interpreted this wonderful story with love and emotion. The debut of NBC at Beijing Performing Arts Centre came to an end. We look forward to bringing more wonderful performances to this beautiful theater in the future!