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Inheriting the Spirit of Seniors and Dancing with the Style of Youthful | Activities to Commemorate the 108th Anniversary of the Birth of Dai Ailian
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1666   日期:2024-05-12   字体:【

On the morning of May 9th, about 80 new employees, probationary party members and activist of party application of the Company, teachers and students of Grade 2023 of the School of NBC and representatives of Ailian Youth Grand Prix gathered in the Memorial Hall of the Former Residences of Dai Ailian to hold the commemorative activity for Dai Ailian, a famous dance artist, dance educator, one of the pioneers and founders of China contemporary dance art, as well as the first Director of National Ballet of China.

The new employees of NBC and the new students of the School of NBC presented flowers to the portrait of Dai Ailian, and all the visitors watched the documentary together.

Zhang Jian, Deputy Director, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company and Vice President of the School of NBC, made a speech.

Wang Caijun, Former Secretary of the Party Committee of the Company, recalled and vividly told the story of Dai Ailian.

Sun Yuanna, Director of the Archive Department of NBC, showed the visitors around the exhibition rooms of various themes in the former residences of Dai Ailian.



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