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Preview of NBC Symphony Orchestra Concert | Performing Symphony of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Again in July as A Tribute to the CPC
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2071   日期:2021-07-04   字体:【

National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra Concert will take the stage in the Beijing Concert Hall under the baton of Zhang Yi, the Music Director of NBC and a renowned conductor on July 7. The Orchestra has scheduled to perform excerpts from the first original large-scale independent symphony of NBC Symphony Orchestra Symphony of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and the Symphony No.3 in D Major "Polish" Op.29 by the Russian music master Tchaikovsky.

Also, the concert will feature the third movement of the Three Symphonic Movements composed by composer Yu Jingjun, and Three Stories composed by composer Yu Jingjun and lyrics by lyricist Zhang Lixin.

The Peking Opera is still performed by four outstanding young actors from the National Peking Opera Company: Liu Lei, Wang Yue, Zhu Hong and Liu Yang.

In the second half of the performance, conductor Zhang Yi and NBC Symphony Orchestra will present the Symphony No.3 in D Major "Polish" Op.29 by Tchaikovsky.

You will certainly have a wonderful artistic experience in this concert that combines the best of Eastern and Western music. See you on July 7 in Beijing Concert Hall!



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