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Momchil Mladenov
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:6674   日期:2019-09-28   字体:【

Momchil Mladenov is a former principal dancer with the National Ballet of Bulgaria and The Suzanne Farrell Ballet. A native of Bulgaria, Mr. Mladenov trained in the Vaganova Method at the National School of Ballet in Sofia, Bulgaria, from 1984 to 1993. In 1997 he earned a B.A. degree from the National Academy of Music in Sofia, Bulgaria. His honors and awards include Laureate of Arabesque Competition and the prize for best performance in P.I. Tchaikovsky's Sleeping Beauty, Perm, Russia (1998), Laureate of Masako Ohya World Ballet Competition, Osaka, Japan (1995), prize for Best Partner in "seniors" category at the National Ballet Competition, Dobritsch, Bulgaria, and a nomination for the prestigious award, "Crystal Lire," in the field of performing arts.

Currently Mr. Mladenov is a Guest Master Teacher at the National Ballet of China Conservatory and is working on a New York City dance project with The Kathryn Posin Dance Company. Mr. Mladenov continues to inspire and promote ballet to its highest level through his teaching and choreography.



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