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Xu Bin
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:1892   日期:2019-09-29   字体:【

Xu Bin is graduated from the Stage Art Department of The Central Academy of Drama with the major of Makeup and Style Design.

She studied drawing for many years and got deep understanding of both eastern and western fine arts, including Chinese painting, ancient Chinese arts and crafts, western classical painting and western modern art, etc. With strong interest for make-up and style design during her learning process of painting, Xu Bin studied character make-up and style design in The Central Academy of Drama for four years, and also practiced in all kinds of dramas, ballets, musicals, etc. Relying on her solid skills, Xu Bin fused female sensitivity with her delicate feelings together. She innovated and perfectly displayed her designing style in the ballets.



  • 地址:北京西城区太平街3号
  • 邮政编码:100050
  • 演出咨询:010-83553737
  • E-Mail:zbsite@126.com


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