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Fei Bo
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:7028   日期:2018-12-26   字体:【

Born from a family of traditional opera, Fei Bo started to learn Chinese traditional dance from 1992. He started choreographing at the age of 16 and started to learn modern dance choreography at Beijing Dance Academy in 1998. After his graduation, Fei Bo joined the National Ballet of China in 2002 and had since then created many pieces for the company. At the age of 24 he has collaborated with renownedchoreographers of the world like Philippe Decouflé, Akram Khan, and was awarded best choreography at International Ballet Competitions held in Helsinki,Shanghai and Beijing, as well as best modern dance prize at USA YAGP.In 2008,he participated in the creation of the Chinese ballet The Peony Pavilion,which was later invited to Hong Kong Arts Festival, Edinburgh Festival and Lincoln Center Festival etc. In 2017, he participated in the production of a Chinese ballet, The Light of Heart, as a director, librettist and choreographer.

Traveling and performing around the world, he tries to use eastern perspectives to converse with westernart. He was invited by the Hong Kong Ballet to creat the piece A Room of One's Own and Shenren Chang. In 2011, he helped former Royal Ballet principal dancer, Tamara Rojo, who is currently the artistic director of the English National Ballet to creat a solo dance piece Life is a Dream.This collaboration was made into a documentary called Fusion Journey by CNN. In 2012 he was invited to the Bolshoi Theater in Moscow to stage one of his pieces. In the same year, Fei Bo won the Rockefeller Asian Culture and Art Fund Award and had a study tour in the United States.

His choreography includes: The Peony Pavilion, The Light of Heart, Bolero(NBC Version), A Room of One's Own, Confucius 2012, Shenren Chang, The First Ray of Light, Sacrifice, Hold the Gun, Dandelion, On the Road, Once Upon a Time and Over There, etc.



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