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Yu Yang
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:5142   日期:2019-08-15   字体:【

Graduated from the Ballet Department of Dance School Affiliated to the Shenyang Conservatory of Music in 2003, Yu Yang joined the National Ballet of China in the same year.

She has danced “Company Commander” in Chinese classic ballet The Red Detachment of Women, and the Cancan Dance in the ballet La Chauve-Souris. She also participated in Chinese and foreign repertoire of the Company, such as Swan Lake, The Yellow River, Giselle, Carmen, Don Quixote, The Little Mermaid, Raise the Red Lantern, Serenade, Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.3, Romeo and Juliet, The Peony Pavilion, Onegin, Sylvia, Études, Chinese New Year (The Nutcracker Chinese Version), Firebird and so on.
        In 2021, she was the group leader in the art performance titled “The Great Journey” to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). In 2022, she served as the group leader in a symphony concert to celebrate the 101st Anniversary of the Founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC).
        She also serves as répétiteur in The Red Detachment of Women, Swan Lake, Carmen, Serenade, Chinese New Year (The Nutcracker Chinese Version), The Yellow River, etc.



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  • 邮政编码:100050
  • 演出咨询:010-83553737
  • E-Mail:zbsite@126.com


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