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Yu Bo
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:6402   日期:2018-12-26   字体:【

Yu Bo, the former Principal Dancer of the National Ballet of China,now is the répétiteur of NBC.

Graduated from Beijing Dance Academy in 1999, Yu Bo joined the National Ballet of China in the same year. He has starred in many major ballets, such as Coppelia,The Fountain of Bakhchisarai,Sylvia, Swan Lake, Don Quixote, Le Corsaire, Giselle,La Sylphide, La Bayadère, L'Arlesienne, Carmen, Romeo and Juliet, Onegin, etc. He also starred in many outstanding modern ballet works such as Serenade, Étude, Pink Floyd Ballet,The Butterfly Lovers, Five Poems, In the Middle Somewhat Elevated,Rachmaninoff Piano Concerto No.3, etc.

He won the bronze medal of the 3rd Nagoya International Ballet Competition in Japan in 2003 and the silver medal of the Seoul International Ballet Competition in 2005. In 2004, he was invited to Opéra de Paris in Franceto exchange and study. In 2006, he was invited by the Hong Kong Ballet Association to star in the ballet Giselle in Hong Kong, and then star in the ballet L'Arlesienne in Wytheville International Festival in USA. Atthe invitation of the Ministry of Culture, Yu Bo attended the opening ceremony of the United Nations Art Festival in Geneva, Switzerland in 2007. In 2010, he won the "Outstanding Performance Award" in the Performing Season of National Art Troupes for his wonderfulperformance in Onegin. He has also danced his own ballet works like Fragments,Extremes, Dual Personality, Body and so on.



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  • E-Mail:zbsite@126.com


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