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Symphony Orchestra of NBC

The National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra was found in 1959. Its Members are mainly graduates from major musica cademies of China. The Orchestra has played all of the music for NBC performances as well as having held many symphony concerts. The Orchestra haspaid attention to international exchange and collected numerous repertories. Ithas collaborated with the Paris Opera Ballet, Royal Ballet, Kirov Ballet,Danish Royal Ballet, Swedish Royal Ballet and more. In recent years, it hasconstantly engaged in making recordings that have received critical acclaims.Currently, Zhang Yi is its music director, Tan Lihua is the principal guest conductor and Liu Ju is the resident conductor.



  • 地址:北京西城区太平街3号
  • 邮政编码:100050
  • 演出咨询:010-83553737
  • E-Mail:zbsite@126.com


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