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Preview of the Special Evening for Fei Bo's 20 years of Choreography | Let's Meet in July
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2276   日期:2022-06-17   字体:【

On July 5 and 6, National Ballet of China has scheduled to present the Special Evening for Fei Bo's years of Choreography in Tianqiao Theater.

First performance of NBC's "Twenty Years" series dedicated to creation talents

It is the first special performance for creation talents. This performance contains ten dance works of various characteristics selected by NBC choreographer Fei Bo in his 20 years of creation career in the Company. This is a microcosm of NBC's young generation of artists who are constantly striving and refining to grow, as well as a strong demonstration of NBC's growing creative power in recent years.

Homage to the classics with ten exciting works based on contemporary

This performance will feature ten of Fei Bo's original works from his 20-year career with the Company, showcasing his creative talents and diverse perspectives.

The Light of Heart

Confucius in 2012

The Peony Pavilion


Al'Heuer Qu'il Est

Permanent Yesterday

Over There

The Voice From Afar

Against the Wind


In this performance of special significance, NBC's Prima Ballerinas Zhang Jian, Wang Qimin, and Qiu Yunting and Premier Danceur Ma Xiaodong will lead our talented dancers to present these works to the audience.

On July 5 and 6 in Beijing Tianqiao Theater, let's go for The Heart's Desire!

Summer Galas- NBC Summer Performing Season

Upcoming Performances

June 18-19, Opera House of the National Center for the Performing Arts, Giselle

June 23-24, Beijing Tianqiao TheaterLike Flowers


(Please refer to the latest news for any changes in the performance schedule.)



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