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Zhang Yi
发布机构:中央芭蕾舞团   点击数:2671   日期:2018-12-17   字体:【

The Music Director of National Ballet of China and the Music Director of Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra. He is the expert entitled to Government Special Allowance. He learned conducting under the guidance of Prof. Xin Xu and Prof.Ruikai Ji. From 2000 to 2003, he pursued further education in the SaarbrückenHFM: Hochschule für Musik Saar, where he finished the graduate course for conducting with Prof. Max Pommer, a renowned German conductor.

Zhang Yi, one of today's influential young conductors in China, has devoted himself in hundreds of concerts, operas and ballets. During the past two decades, he has cooperated with lots of orchestras home and abroad, including China National Symphony Orchestra, China Philharmonic Orchestra, Shanghai Symphony Orchestra, Shanghai Philharmonic Orchestra, National Ballet of China Symphony Orchestra, Zhejiang Symphony Orchestra, Hong Kong Symphonitta Orchestra, Macau Symphony Orchestra, London Philharmonic Orchestra, Malaysian Philharmonic Orchestra, German Radio Philharmonic Orchestra, Cuba Symphony Orchestra,Kungliga Operan, etc. In his performances around European, American, Australianand Asian countries, Zhang Yi collaborated with numerous artists such as Emmanuel Pahud, Wenzel Fuchs, Renaud Capucon, Jean- Yves Thibaudet, Myung WhaChung, Sarah Chang, Lang Lang, Sa Chen, Feng Ning and Liwei Qin and etc. Duringhis tour in Malaysia, Zhang Yi received great acclaim in local news media,describing him as "a brilliant, incredibile and charming young conductor".

Zhang Yi conducted many premieres of Chinese and foreign works. In May 2012, he was given the Award of Outstanding Contribution at the Beijing Modern Music Festival for his numerous performances of Chinese and western modern musicpieces. Zhang Yi has conducted in many arts festivals and major theaters internationally.



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  • 邮政编码:100050
  • 演出咨询:010-83553737
  • E-Mail:zbsite@126.com


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